
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Paquistão expressa aos EUA sua 'indignação' após ataque da Otan

Paquistão expressa aos EUA sua 'indignação' após ataque da Otan Paquistão expressa aos EUA sua 'indignação' após ataque da Otan

蒂加纳考察申花提多项整改意见 朱骏表态重新装修

蒂加纳考察申花提多项整改意见 朱骏表态重新装修 新浪体育讯 北京时间11月27日,备受瞩目的上海申花(微博)(微博)还选主教练一事也有了最新进展。随着"准主帅"蒂加纳来到上海,申花与其的谈判也进入到了最后实质性阶段。今日,蒂加纳就来到申花俱乐部进行实地考察,也 ... 蒂加纳考察申花提多项整改意见 朱骏表态重新装修

第48届金马奖揭晓 刘德华称帝叶德娴封后(图)

第48届金马奖揭晓 刘德华称帝叶德娴封后(图) 11月26日,柯震东凭电影《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》获最佳新演员奖。 当日,第48届金马奖颁奖典礼在台湾新竹举行。新华社记者金良快摄 11月26日,叶德娴(右)、刘德华凭电影《桃姐》分获最佳女主角奖、最佳男主角奖。 当日 ... 第48届金马奖揭晓 刘德华称帝叶德娴封后(图)


11月23日晚,成都一所中学从4000余名学生中遴选出了19名"尖子生"享受学校表扬的"最优待遇"——和校长共进晚餐。"入围标准"是看刚刚举行的半期考试成绩,宴席由学校统一买单。(11月26日《京华时报》) 到底什么样的"尖子 ... "校长晚宴"是中国教育现状的一个真实缩影

Occupy L.A. protesters seem resigned to eviction by LAPD

Occupy L.A. protesters seem resigned to eviction by LAPD A day after officials announced that they would begin clearing out the Occupy LA camp Monday morning, there was a sense at the City Hall camp Saturday that eviction was a foregone conclusion. The question was how many people would stay behind to resist ... Occupy L.A. protesters seem resigned to eviction by LAPD

MARSEILLE - M. Vallini (PS) déplore "l'utilisation détournée de propos privés ...

MARSEILLE - M. Vallini (PS) déplore "l'utilisation détournée de propos privés ...MARSEILLE - M. Vallini (PS) déplore "l'utilisation détournée de propos privés ... MARSEILLE - Le sénateur (PS) de l'Isère et ancien député André Vallini a déploré, samedi à Marseille, "l'utilisation détournée de propos privés" après la diffusion vendredi dans le Petit journal de Canal+ de déclarations dans lesquelles il comparaît le ... MARSEILLE - M. Vallini (PS) déplore "l'utilisation détournée de propos privés ...

Otto feeling right at home

Otto feeling right at home Hennie Otto fired a round of 65 to hold a three-shot lead heading into the final day of the South African Open in Ekurhuleni. The South African, whose only European Tour victory came at the 200 Italian Open, played the last 12 holes at Serengeti in a ... Otto feeling right at home

NBA-New season likely to begin on Christmas Day

NBA-New season likely to begin on Christmas Day The National Basketball Association (NBA) and its players have reached a tentative deal on a new collective bargaining agreement which paves the way for a 66-game season starting on Christmas Day. Financial details of the plan were not released but NBA ... NBA-New season likely to begin on Christmas Day

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