
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Deccan Odyssey: India's old luxury tourist train gets chugging again

Deccan Odyssey: India's old luxury tourist train gets chugging again The super luxury palace on wheels had once shown potential, though it never really quite got there, and the MTDC hopes to try and cash in on this promise, once again. Earlier this month a refurbished Deccan Odyssey ... Deccan Odyssey: India's old luxury tourist train gets chugging again


门头沟拆迁串案法院再宣判 本报讯(记者孙思娅)在本市最大棚户区改造工程中,北京喜喜乐食府有限公司的法定代表人岳春杰,持下属提供的印章、虚假营业执照,与门头沟区新城南部地区拆建办达成拆迁协议,骗取拆迁停产停业损失费合计115万余元。昨 ... 门头沟拆迁串案法院再宣判

Corinthians arranca empate com o Internacional no final

Corinthians arranca empate com o Internacional no final São Paulo - O Corinthians suou, sofreu, mas conseguiu arrancar um empate do Internacional, em Porto Alegre, pela 31.ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. A equipe paulista esteve atrás do marcador durante boa parte do segundo tempo, mas chegou ao empate ... Corinthians arranca empate com o Internacional no final


天治堪忧 股市震荡,基金业亦不安生。除了基金经理跳槽频频发生,连基金公司高管变动也日益频繁。据公开资料,从去年底至今年三季度结束,共有15家基金公司的总经理离职,占全行业60家(不包括新成立)公司的1/4,这是基金行业总经 ... 天治堪忧

欧盟内部分歧严重 根治欧债药方“难开”(图)

欧盟内部分歧严重 根治欧债药方 上周末,欧盟在经历了紧锣密鼓的系列会议后,仍未能就全面解决欧债危机方案达成协议,被迫宣布于10月26日再次举行欧盟峰会,并承诺届时将出台全面协议。目前,欧盟内部针对临时性欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)改革方案的分歧 ... 欧盟内部分歧严重 根治欧债药方"难开"(图)


CASTELLÓN MASTERS García: "Dedico Borriol (Castellón), 23 oct (EFE).- Sergio García, campeón de un título del circuito europeo, el Castellón Masters, después de casi tres años de sequía, dedicó su triunfo al golfista Severiano Ballesteros, fallecido este mismo año. ... CASTELLÓN MASTERS García: "Dedico

Сити съсипа Юнайтед на "Олд Трафорд"

Сити съсипа Юнайтед на "Олд Трафорд" Манчестър Сити спечели градското дерби срещу Манчестър Юнайтед с разгромного 6:1 като гост на "Олд Трафорд". "Червените дяволи" посърнаха след края на мача от деветия кръг на английската Висша лига, в който "гражданите" доминираха във всеки аспект на ... Сити съсипа Юнайтед на "Олд Трафорд"


欧洲女子高球巡回赛三亚公开赛澳大利亚球员夺冠 中新网三亚10月23日电(记者 尹海明)10月23日,为期3天的欧洲女子高尔夫球职业巡回赛——2011三亚女子公开赛在三亚落幕。澳大利亚球员弗兰西斯•邦戴德(Frances Bondad)上演大逆转,以205杆(低于标准杆11杆)的总成绩 ... 欧洲女子高球巡回赛三亚公开赛澳大利亚球员夺冠

US warns of imminent attack

US warns of imminent attack Nairobi - The US embassy in Nairobi warned Americans on Saturday of an "imminent threat" of attacks possibly targeting foreigners, one week after Kenyan forces crossed into Somalia to hunt down Shebab fighters. The embassy cited "credible information ... US warns of imminent attack

«Los cooperantes están austados pero bien»

«Los cooperantes están austados pero bien» Los cooperantes españoles secuestrados esta pasada noche en los campos de refugiados saharauis de Rabuni (Argelia) están muy asustados pero en buen estado de salud, dadas las circunstancias, según informó la ONG de uno de los cooperantes. ... «Los cooperantes están austados pero bien»

La Tunisie vote en masse

La Tunisie vote en masse TUNIS (Reuters) - Neuf mois après le renversement de Zine ben Ali, les Tunisiens, pionniers du "printemps arabe", ont afflué dimanche dans les bureaux de vote pour élire démocratiquement une assemblée constituante. Les islamistes du parti Ennahda ... La Tunisie vote en masse

Harris' record-setting day not enough as ETBU fallsto Mary Hardin-Baylor

Harris' record-setting day not enough as ETBU fallsto Mary Hardin-Baylor BELTON — Fourth-ranked and seven-time defending American Southwest Conference champion Mary Hardin-Baylor exploded for 37 points in the second half, including 30 in the third quarter, to blow past East Texas Baptist 54-30 in ASC action Saturday at ... Harris' record-setting day not enough as ETBU fallsto Mary Hardin-Baylor

Moody quits international rugby

Moody quits international rugby AP England rugby coach Martin Johnson praised his captain Lewis Moody on Sunday after the flanker announced earlier in the day he was stepping down from international rugby. "Lewis has been a great servant to English rugby and has literally put his ... Moody quits international rugby

业余选手踊跃参加铁三赛 云东海笑迎五湖四海客

业余选手踊跃参加铁三赛 云东海笑迎五湖四海客 (搜狐体育 郭健10月23日发自佛山)2011年中国云东海-红牛国际铁人三项洲际杯赛暨全国铁人三项锦标赛昨日在广东省佛山市三水区云东海展开角逐,业余组方面共有来自国内外的398名运动员参加比赛。 业余组的赛事分为全 ... 业余选手踊跃参加铁三赛 云东海笑迎五湖四海客

Τζιμπρίλ: Ηθελα ζωντανό τον Καντάφι

Τζιμπρίλ: Ηθελα ζωντανό τον Καντάφι Ζωντανό ήθελε τον Μουαμάρ Καντάφι ο πρωθυπουργός της μεταβατικής κυβέρνησης της Λιβύης, Μαχμούντ Τζιμπρίλ, με δηλώσεις του σε εκπομπή του BBC. "Ηθελα να ξέρω γιατί έκανε όλα αυτά στον λιβυκό λαό. Μακάρι να ήμουν ο δικαστής του σε αυτή τη δίκη", ... Τζιμπρίλ: Ηθελα ζωντανό τον Καντάφι

Miles de personas piden en Bilbao una solución para el país Vasco

Miles de personas piden en Bilbao una solución para el país Vasco Los manifestantes respondieron al llamado de varios partidos y sindicatos vascos firmantes del Acuerdo de Gernika, que había pedido el fin de la actividad armada. Bilbao. AFP.- Miles de personas desfilaron el sábado en Bilbao a favor "de una solución ... Miles de personas piden en Bilbao una solución para el país Vasco

Ahora, los retos para Libia, que no conoce la democracia, son grandes

Ahora, los retos para Libia, que no conoce la democracia, son grandes Tras la muerte Gadafi, hay temores de que se presente algo parecido a una balcanización. Dominada por los romanos en la antigüedad, por diferentes tribus beduinas en los últimos siglos, por un rey que duró 18 años y un líder que la gobernó con mano de ... Ahora, los retos para Libia, que no conoce la democracia, son grandes

S. Utah 35, Weber St. 28

S. Utah 35, Weber St. 28 OGDEN, Utah (AP) - Southern Utah scored 25 straight points to rally from an 11-point third-quarter deficit and defeat Weber State 35-28 in the in-state rivals' final meeting as non-conference foes. Austin Minefee ran for two touchdowns, ... S. Utah 35, Weber St. 28


文化发展走进 党的十七届六中全会刚刚闭幕,我区各级文化工作者通过收听收看新闻,及时学习传达全会精神。大家纷纷表示,要以全会精神为指导,进一步深化文化体制改革,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,为建设社会主义文化强国贡献力 ... 文化发展走进"春天里"

27 killed in bridge collapse in India

27 killed in bridge collapse in India NEW DELHI, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- At least 27 people were killed and 60 injured when an overburdened old wooden bridge collapsed in the eastern Indian state of West Benal Saturday evening, reported local media on Sunday. The tragedy took place in the ... 27 killed in bridge collapse in India


济阳县 [提要] 22日,济阳县第四届"太平宝"秋延迟蔬菜采摘节正式拉开序幕,吸引了不少市民前来采摘。预计本次采摘节将持续一个月时间,活动地点设在济阳县太平镇东侯市、孔坊村大棚种植片区。市民可驾车过黄河大桥沿104国道向 ... 济阳县"太平宝"秋延迟蔬菜采摘节22日开幕

No handshakes for Congress nominees

No handshakes for Congress nominees MADURAI: Congress' debacle in the local body election, where it was unable to win a single corporation or posts of mayor or for that reason municipality chairperson has left many party workers dejected and worried about its future. ... No handshakes for Congress nominees

Varas y la noche del orgullo andaluz

Varas y la noche del orgullo andaluz Comparte nuestras noticias con tus amigos en la red social que utilizan millones de personas en todo el mundo. Comparte nuestras noticias con tus amigos en esta popular red social. Sitio web que se sirve de la inteligencia colectiva para dar a conocer ... Varas y la noche del orgullo andaluz

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